Good Chemistry: Green Tips for Better Health, from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England

Posts Tagged ‘e-waste’

A New Year, New Law – E-Waste Collection sites in VT

Ever thought about what happens to your cell phone when you upgrade to a smart phone? Or where our big ol’ computer monitors go to with the influx of flat-screens and laptops? These and other electronics are all examples of a waste termed “E-waste” or electronic waste. As products become outdated they find a resting place (often a landfill) and the environmental implications are harmful. Electronics contain several dangerous chemicals including mercury and lead, which can seep into land and water overtime. Sadly, those bearing the burden of our electronic waste are often those in other countries. This documentary is an example of what e-waste disposal can look like abroad.

Recognizing this threat to both the environment and health, Vermont has banned E-waste as of January 1st, 2011. The law calls for the removal of electronic waste from the general waste stream and diverts it into a separate collection system. The law also includes the creation of new sites to collect E-Waste for free in every county throughout Vermont by July, 2011

Conscious consumerism includes conscious disposal, and this E-Waste regulation is a big step forward in keeping VT clean and green. This law will have multiple benefits for people and the planet. For more information, check out this full article from the Bennington Banner. So the next time you purchase a new electronic, I would invite you to take a moment to dispose of your old one properly.

Posted by on January 5th, 2011 No Comments


It is unneighborly to ship toxic e-waste to developing nations, to say the least. Used electronics contain lead, mercury, barium, arsenic...none of it good. Our waste impacts the poorest of the poor, in the of ugliest ways. See this quick synopsis:

The good news is that there are ways to convert some of our e-waste into humanitarian outreach. A wonderful company, named HopePhones
makes our converts our used phones into tools for medical outreach in impoverished and remote areas.

When a cell phone is sent to the HopePhones recycling center (detailed information is offered on their site), a value is assigned to the recycled phone, which is put toward purchase of a HopePhone.  These phones are distributed to community health workers at medical clinics in developing nations to connect them to distant patients.

"a $10 cell phone will give 50 families access to emergency medical care, health information, transportation services and clinic resources."

The average recycled phone enables the purchase of 2-3 HopePhones. According the their site, 1700 phones have been donated to date.

Should other opportunities present themselves to spin gold from straw, or to turn e-waste into life-changing technology, we will let you know.

Should you have any resources on this, please contact us so we can help spread the word.

Posted by on October 30th, 2009 No Comments