Good Chemistry: Green Tips for Better Health, from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England

Oil, oil, oil, Part 2

A while back we promised to keep you posted as news of the oil spill's effect on reproductive health emerged.

Well, here we are.

oilThere was a terrific piece published by Kimberly Ines McGuire of RH Reality Check that doesn't speak specifically to the oil spill (though it is mentioned), but gives a cumulative and frightening history of oil refinery and chemical industry in the Gulf Region, and its effects on the health of residents.

One snippet in particular is rather haunting:

"Residents have tested positive for exposure to some of the worst reproductive toxicants—chemicals that have been linked to infertility, miscarriage, low birth weight, low sperm count, and developmental and respiratory disorders for children exposed in utero. This contamination of the air, water, and soil is so severe, and its effects so widespread, that the 100-mile stretch of Louisiana communities between New Orleans and Baton Rouge is known by residents as 'Cancer Alley.'"

You can read the entire piece here. 

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