Good Chemistry: Green Tips for Better Health, from Planned Parenthood of Northern New England

Eco-Friendly Tattoo Removal Method

tattoo removalAfter my recent break-up with my long term boyfriend, I decided that instead of feeling bad for myself I would reflect on the things I was thankful for. Number one: I didn’t get that tattoo of a heart with his name in it.

Not all of us are this lucky.  If a wild night in Las Vegas has left you with a winking smiley face on your backside…Or if you’ve recently learned of the toxins in tattoo ink, and want to safely remove yours—I have some good news—there are now eco-friendly means to get rid of that unwanted tattoo.  

Typically, doctors use laser surgery to remove a tattoo. To avoid scarring, they must keep your skin 70 degrees or cooler.  They previously used a chemical called tetrafluoroethane to keep skin temperature down. Unfortunately, tetrafluoroethane is very toxic, greenhouse gas which has a lasting impact on the environment.

A carbon dioxide spray has been introduced as an alternative. Unlike the tetrafluoroethane, CO2 is dry ice spray that cools the skin before turning into gas, making it much better for the ozone layer.

So while we all make mistakes, at least we now have eco-friendly means of righting those wrongs.

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 at 3:37 pm and is filed under Health. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.


5 Responses to “Eco-Friendly Tattoo Removal Method”

  1. Sarah Says:

    Interesting… anyone know how eco-friendly it is to *get* a tattoo these days? (mine’s fading and could use a touch-up.)

  2. Val Poux Says:

    The most important thing i think when having a tattoo done is to go to a reputable tattooist. It’s well worth spending an afternoon finding out who is good and who isn’t and which place has a good reputation – it’s worth spending a few dollars more to have peace of mind that your ink is going to be good

  3. Angel Tattoos Says:

    I was searching for tattoos and found your site..thanks for sharing.

  4. Damon Krikwen Says:

    I would like to start off by saying, thank you for supplying me with the information I’ve been looking for. I have been surfing the net for two hours searching for it and would have given my right arm if I would have located your site sooner. Not only did I locate what I was looking for, but found answers to questions I never thought to ask. Thank you for such a wonderful web-site!

  5. Bethany Bennett Says:

    we should always look for eco-friendly products out there to help the environment.,’,

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